Move To Canada In 2 Weeks With International Mobility Program – Start Application Process!
Do you know that you can move to Canada within two weeks ? Yes, it is possible if you follow the International Mobility Program process.
Millions of people around the world especially in Africa, and other underdeveloped countries of the world want to migrate to developing countries like the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, and other developed countries in the world.
But only a few people successfully migrate to these developed countries because a lot of people find it so difficult to migrate to these developed countries.
Because they don’t know the right process of doing it. That is why you need to read this informative article to the end because I will explain how you can move to Canada in 2 weeks.
Table of Contents
How to Immigrate to Canada 2023: The Easiest Ways to Move to Canada

There are several methods of migrating to other countries. These methods come with rules and regulations.
It is very important to obey these rules and regulations before you can successfully get a visa to migrate to the country, especially in developed countries.
There are several Canadian visas, these visas come with several rules and regulations.
You need to meet all rules and regulations before your visa can be approved and then you’ll be able to move to Canada.
The Canadian visa is not free. It comes with some fees that are important to pay when processing your visa.
After paying, some people are unable to get a visa because they are not qualified for it.
Migrate to Canada With International Mobility Program
If you don’t have much money to risk on a Canadian visa then you should try, International Mobility Program because it gives you more assurance of getting a work permit in Canada and a visa to enter Canada legally.
International Mobility Program Canada is a special program that allows you to get a work permit to work in Canada within two weeks without
- No Education Qualifications Like Master Degree BSC and others
- No Labor Market Impact Assessment.
Migrate to Canada With a Student visa and Work visa
Student visa and work visa are the types of Canadian visa that comes with several rules and regulations,
including or limited requirements some of them are educational qualifications i.e. TLS and others.
You need to meet all these requirements and more if you want to get a Canadian visa through these methods.
Aside from that, it is complicated and expensive.
Why Should You Make Use of the International Mobility Program?
You will be able to get job opportunities even when you are still in your country.
Before we go into the main purpose of writing this informative article, it is very important to know what International Mobility Program Canada is all about and other important information about the International Mobility Program Canada.
It is necessary to know the basic information about the International Mobility Program Canada,
So that you’ll be able to understand and make use of the International Mobility Program Canada effectively.
What Is International Mobility Program Canada

The International Mobility Program (IMP) is a program that is designed to help all Canadian employers hire international workers from any country of the world temporarily without having to apply for a Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).
LMIA is the document that shows that a Canadian employer has attempted to fill a job locally but was unable to do so and is therefore permitted to hire a foreign employee to replace the position in the organization or company.
What is the Requirement for International Mobility Program Canada
There is no requirement for the Eligible For International Mobility Program, only your prospective employer will decide the requirement for the job you intend to do in Canada.
Once you are qualified for the job then you will be automatically qualified for the International Mobility Program.
So you need to focus on the job requirement to make sure you qualify for the job before you begin the process of applying for the International Mobility Program.
Who Is Eligible For International Mobility Program Canada
Eligible For International Mobility Program for everyone that is a professional in any skill that wants to work in Canada.
The International Mobility Program is available for those who don’t have any criminal records.
Those who are free from sickness or disease are only suitable for the job, they are allowed to take part in the International Mobility Program.
Before you are allowed to enter Canada you will need to go through several medical tests that will show that you are suitable for the job.
So you need to be free from disease or sickness while processing the International Mobility Program or any other Visa program from Canada or other countries of the world.
Move To Canada In 2 Weeks – International Mobility Program Canada Application Process!
The first process of moving to Canada within two weeks through the international mobility program is to get hired by one of the Canadian companies,
that are allowed to hire foreign workers to the international mobility program.
Then, you’ll be able to search and get the employers that are eligible to hire foreign workers through the international mobility program.
Once you see the job you are qualified for, then you need to apply for the available job from this Canadian employer.
Make sure you apply for the companies that are allowed to hire foreign workers through the international mobility program.
NOTE: Don’t apply for jobs from companies that are not allowed to hire through the international mobility program,
because they won’t be able to hire you even if you are qualified for the position.
That is why you need to research and apply to those employers that are allowed to hire foreign workers for the international mobility program.
Immediately you get a job offer from any of these Canadian companies, then your prospective employer will submit an official job offer in Canada through the employment portal.
There will be all information about you, the foreign worker, the Canadian company information and position you intend to occupy, your salary, and other important information about the job offer.
LMIA Exemption Requirement for Work Permit in Canada?
Before your employer proves to the Canadian government that you have met the requirement for LMIA exemption and you’re suitable for the job position,
Then pay the $230 before submitting the official job offer at the international mobility program employer portal.
Your employer does not need to submit your job offer to the international mobility program if you have a work permit in Canada.
This will make the process easier and faster but you can still get a job offer from your country and migrate to Canada within 2 weeks without a work permit.
Although, some employers do not need to pay $230 and submit their job offer for an international mobility program,
Which Categories are Exempted from LMIA in Canada?

International Mission Or Consular Posts is an international organization that is recognized by the foreign mission and organization Act, foreign government, owner of international tunnel or bridge, and other employers that are exempted from submitting their job offer to the international mobility program.
Likewise, some employers are exempted from paying the $230 compliance fee such as non-trade international agreements, work that is related to research and development programs, charity religious work, and more.
Immediately an employer completes the process on the employment portal, they will receive an employment number that will be sent to you and you will be able to use this number to complete your employment process.
Give you details of completing your work permit application in Canada,
Then your job application will be reviewed to see if you are qualified for the position and meet all the requirements to work in Canada.
If your application is approved, immediately you get a letter of introduction to your work permit from a Canadian border officer.
What is the Next Step after Receiving a Work Permit Canada?
Now that you have got a work permit in Canada, the work permit will not grant you access to enter Canada so you need a visitor visa with an electronic travel authorization ETA.
You may need to undergo a medical examination doing your visa process.
It all depends on the end of work you are intending to do in Canada.
Once you have your travel permit and the electronic travel authorization visa then you’ll be able to move to Canada in 2 weeks and resume your Canadian job.
The process is easy and simple if you follow the instructions and provide all the necessary or required documents to successfully apply for a job in Canada from your country and get an electronic travel authorization visa.
In Conclusion
There are numerous methods of migrating to Canada, you need proper and in-depth research to know the one that is suitable for you.
If you are educated or not you can say you can migrate successfully to Canada without any illegal process if you have access to the right information that will help you to do what is right at the right time.
International Mobility Program Canada helps millions of people around the world migrate to Canada without stress.
This process is easy and simple even if you are literate you can make use of this process and successfully migrate to Canada.
There are several companies in your country that charge a lot of money to process Canadian visas either, for students, travel, and other types of visas.
Most of these companies end up processing illegal things. A lot of people like their life savings after getting a fake Canadian visa.
You won’t be scammed or spend a huge amount of money when you make use of the International Mobility Program.